When you give a husband technology, then he'll want more and more, better and better...
Right before the fire (literally, less than an hour before) we purchased a new TV (peace out Smithsonian. Hope you enjoy the museum life!). Now that we're in the new apartment, and the new smart TV is set up, Adam decided we needed a Blue-Ray player ("Amber, you know what would go great with this new TV...). We are now the proud owners of a Blue-Ray player and have experienced the sheer beauty of crisp, high definition movie. Our lives are forever changed. Please, come and stop by to enjoy with us!
We also emptied our TV savings jar. We had been putting all our spare change in a jar and ended up not using a penny from it! Instead, we treated ourselves to a game of The Price is Right, guessing how much was in the jar, bringing it to the local grocery store with a Coin Star in it, and using our savings for dinner that night. I guessed $8, Adam guessed $10. In the end, Adam was the closest without going over. We had saved $10.91! And that was after the $.10 for every dollar Coin Star took AND taking all the quarters for laundry! We rocked that one! We went around the grocery store, picked what we wanted for dinner under $5 and checked out. Adam grabbed a couple candy bars for after dinner and we were $.3 under cash ticket! We truly rocked it last night. The cashier and bagger thought Adam was crazy... With how excited he was, you would have thought he won the lottery! All in all, it was a fantastic win for us.
Great day, budget Starbursts, Lion King on Blue Ray and a good night.