Sorry it's been so long! We'll post pictures soon. Adelaide (Addi) Rae Stocksdale was born June 29th, 2011. She was born via c-section because she flipped within the last week (she was head down for a long time! 4 different doctors all said she was!) and was born breech. Her stats were 7lbs 2oz and 18 inches long. She was beautiful and tiny. The whole labor & delivery story will come soon :)
Today, she will be 15 weeks (3 1/2 months) on Wednesday. She is HUGE at 15lbs 8oz and 23 1/2 inches. She wears size 6/9 months now, size 2 diapers. She still has beautiful blue eyes, and is getting some nice auburn hair. She loves to play with mommy & daddy. She thinks everyone should talk to her if they pass by. She loves attention and is a very high maintenance baby. Shes already throwing temper tantrums, and mommy & daddy are working around those and teaching her that isn't okay. She loves to watch football and Glee. She loves Greg Lee and Jerry on News Channel 3. When shes tired she goes to sleep pretty easy. All she needs is a burp cloth under her face (she sleeps on her tummy) and her binky. She cuddles with the burp cloth. Adelaide loves to sit. Shes almost sitting by herself now. She can sit in her highchair by herself, on the couch (next to some one), and on your lap without falling over. She isn't quite rolling yet, but she can roll on her side when she REALLY wants to. Adelaide talks ALL THE TIME! She can talk very quietly, and very loud! She is getting more and more influction in her voice when she "talks." Adelaide loves it when you make sounds back to her. Last week, Addi and Amber were on their way to the doctors office and Addi started making monkey sounds (oooh oooh ooooooh) and Amber made them right back to her. Adelaide giggled and loved it! The rest of the way to the doctors they sounded like monkeys. Adelaide loves to listen to Adam play the guitar. She sits and listens then makes very loud, excited sounds. She is very energetic and moves all the time. She loves tummy time and is starting to enjoy her back more. She hates her play gym, but loves her bouncer (even though it almost touches the floor now when she sits in it... fatty!) She especially loves to wake up and see mommy and daddy's faces there talking and smiling back at her. She is some times a pain, but we love her anyway. We're happy with our new addition!
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