Monday, February 4, 2013

Fitting In

As I'm microwaving my lunch, I noticed the most wonderful thing... I fit perfectly in my trousers again!!! I bought some expensive and very nice Banana Republic trousers when I was probably eight weeks pregnant. Since having the baby, I hadn't worn them much, due to not fitting and I had a good pair of blue jeans that works fine. Once my blue jeans gave out (huge hole in my left knee... Always the left knee since I was little), I had to wear the trousers. I had to squeeze my fat thighs and muffin top into them, but they stayed on.

Well today, after about 4 weeks of being aware of what I eat (not really changing what I eat) and doing some yoga and toning most evenings, I've lost 8 pounds and fit fantastically in my trousers! So excited!! I still have about 13 pounds to lose, but I'm feeling great and look forward to fitting in to more clothes.

1 comment:

  1. hey Amber and Adam i miss you guys so much and i am thinking of you both and how is the baby any ways i miss you so take care
