Wednesday, Amber walked out to her car, already for work, and noticed a completely flat tire on the front passanger side. But not to worry! Thanks to a Laurels class activity taught by Bro. Mattson, I knew how to change that flat tire! Adam had left for Racket Ball about 30 minutes earlier, and can't bring his phone in the court with him, so Amber couldn't get ahold of him. But that was okay! Time to show off her skills!
Over 7 months pregnant, Amber jacked up her car, took off the flat tire, switched it with the doughnut and put the flat in the back in about 20 minutes. How about that! She felt quite accomplished for the day at only 8:30 in the morning.
Thankful for many things that day, Amber was also able to get the tire patched for $10, rather than spending double or a lot more to get used or new tires. She even got it done during her lunch break! They were really fast and helpful.
Today, Amber is waiting for Adam's Easter present to come in the mail. She's very excited to see it! Adam is also anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Pictures to come!
yeah! i'll be sure to tell him. ;)