Tuesday of this week, Adam woke up feeling horrible. He hadn't felt well most of the weekend, but this was the worst day of it all. He called in sick, and slept all morning, waking up feeling a lot better. Like his buddy Mike from KESQ says, 'Sometimes, you just need a mental sick day.' With his crazy work hours, its completely understandable.
On Adam's mental sick day, he got bored while Amber was at work and found the Maintenance guy from the apartment complex and asked if he would check out my car. Thankfully, after he found the problem, it was an easy fix. The starter had died! Adam was relieved. He asked if the Maintenance guy knows how to fix it. Sure enough, he did! And being the amazingly great husband he is, Adam rode his bike all the way down to Auto Zone and bought a new starter for a great price, brought it back home, and by the time Amber got home from work, it was just about fixed. And, he also already had dinner made, and ready for Amber when she got home. Amber was thoroughly impressed.
After the car was fixed that day, Adam and Amber went grocery shopping. When they came back home, there was a notice on the door for the Annual Pest Control Sweep. Basically, they came in, sprayed pesticide everywhere, and we weren't allowed back inside for at least 4 hours. The notice was put up Tuesday evening, and we had until Wednesday afternoon to pull everything into the middle of the apartment and covered in plastic. Amber wasn't allowed in until it was completely dry, so she stayed the night with the Vorwaller family, who were so gracious enough to share their spare bedroom with her.
Thursday Amber did some Young Women stuff with her girls, then came home and put the apartment back together. Adam pulled it apart, so Amber got to put it back together. After it was done, and all the chores were done for the day, Amber went to a presidency meeting for the Young Women. When she came home, Adam had a great activity to start doing together. We went through all of our quarters in our spare change jar and in our laundry money jar and picked out all the state quaters and one of each of the years. We have a nice size collection at the moment of 42 states and all the years, except 3 dating back to 1965. We're excited to see what we can keep finding!
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