At 26 weeks, we went to the OB for our (now) monthly exam. Weight gain is good, and Amber's blood pressure is great. Adelaide, on the other hand, has an arrhythmia (not or without rhythm) which will be checked out by another doctor through an ultrasound soon. During the monitering of her heart, after a few seconds of a good solid rhythm, a beat would lag slightly. The OB said everything should be fine, but as a percaution, she is sending us for an ultrasound. Other than that, shes a very happy baby. While the doctor was monitering her heart, Addi would kick the scanner. The OB laughed. Adam describes her as a 'ninja baby' with her constant kicking. Shes beginning to slow down a bit though, seeing as shes getting HUGE and loosing room to move. But no worries! We can feel her body and see her as she tightly squeezes into a ball in areas she doesn't quite fit into as easily anymore.
Right now, since Amber's car broke down (which we're still in the process of finding someone to come look at it), Adam has bought a bike. Mondays and Tuesdays Amber is driving Adam to work in the wee hours of the morning, but she enjoys spending the extra time with him. Adam rides his bike on Wednesdays, and brings Amber to work on Thursdays and Fridays. We're making things work. :)
Adam is crossing his fingers for a shift change! Since Monica (the Producer for the 10pm and 11pm M-F) quit, Adam has had the opportunity to show off his great skills and creativity to management and the Prime Time anchors and other co-workers. We're really hoping to get the 10 and 11, but will also be happy with the consistancy of the 5am-7am M-F newscast. Either way, Amber will still be able to work nearly full time, and we won't have to get a baby sitter! We are greatful for how blessed we've been with our jobs.
With the due date fast approaching, Adam and Amber have been realizing more and more that their lives as they know it will be changed for the rest of eternity! It's a big change, but we're getting more and more excited as well. We are very thankful and feel truly blessed by Adelaide coming into our family. With the many trials we're seeing our friends struggle with in starting their families, we are counting our blessings that we have a healthy baby growing in the womb, and that we can financially take care of her, and ourselves and still be working on our savings, as well as having fun too. We're also thankful that Amber can keep her job and her company is willing to work with her on hours, and maybe even from home a bit! Yes, we are truly counting our many, many blessings and look forward to what comes next in our many adventures.
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